Choose from more than 100,000 questions in the Quiz bank

Create And Schedule Quizzes For The Users In Your Organisation.

Enhance your attendance experience with this cutting edge AI based technology

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Engage your users in fun quizzes and keep their moral high with the Leaderboard Rankings

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Here’s why you should start using our quiz feature today:

  • Engage and motivate your team: Our quiz feature is designed to be both educational and entertaining. It’s a fun way to keep your team engaged and motivated.

  • Test your team’s knowledge: You can use our quiz feature to test your team’s knowledge on a variety of topics related to your business. This can help you identify areas where your team may need more training or support.

  • Schedule quizzes in advance: You can schedule quizzes in advance, which means you can set them up to run at a time that is convenient for your team. This is a great way to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate.

  • Track quiz results: Our app allows you to track the results of each quiz. This can help you identify areas where your team may need additional support or training.

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Made for all

education nd corporate

Flow of the Quiz

  • The super admin/admin will create and schedule a quiz.

  • The quiz option will be a part of the menu items.

  • Users can view the scheduled quiz/quizzes as per the closest one first.

  • The scheduled quizzes will display a timer stating the time remained for the quiz.

  • Notifications will be sent to the users regarding a quiz as a reminder.

  • The timer will change into a Start quiz 30 seconds before the quiz.

  • Leaderboard will be displayed on the current quiz.

  • User clicks on the start quiz button and takes the quiz.

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