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Stay Accurate with our Attendance Management System

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Easy attendance tracking: With DutyPar, teachers can mark attendance quickly and efficiently, saving them time and reducing errors.

Attendance history: The app stores a complete record of attendance history for each student, making it easy for teachers to track attendance patterns and identify students who need extra support.

Reports: DutyPar generates detailed attendance reports, giving teachers and administrators valuable insights into attendance patterns, which can be used to improve student engagement and academic outcomes.

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DutyPar is a Facial Recognition Attendance App for Teachers & Students

Group Attendance For College Student

How it works ?

Take group photo
attendance mark

Every attendance is followed up with a feedback form

Feedback Feature DutyPar App
Announcemnet Feature DutyPar App

Easily broadcast any message, circular or notice

Get real time attendance dashboard for the school management and attendance summary reports

dashboard nd excel sheet

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Our clients DutyPar

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