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Performance Management 101: Objective& Key Results  OKRs

What is a Performance Indicator? And How Does It Relate to OKRs?

Performance indicators are a type of operational objective management (OKR) that help your team track improvements and identify areas that need the most focus. You can use performance indicators to prioritize different projects, track progress, and improve your team’s workflow.

This article serves as an overview of what a performance indicator is and how it relates to OKRs. If you’re looking for more guidance on how to implement OKRs at your company, keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to set up OKRs.

What is a Performance Indicator?

A performance indicator is an objective designed to measure the success of a team’s work. These indicators typically take the form of a percentage or a specific number, and they’re often compared to an earlier measurement. For example, your product team could set a goal of increasing the number of paying customers each month by 50%.By tracking the number of customers who sign up for a plan and paying their first invoice, they can set a second goal of increasing the number of paying customers to 100%.Performance indicators can help you track your team’s progress, identify problems, and set expectations. If your team sets a goal to increase the number of paying customers to 50%, but they’re only at 35% after six weeks, then you know something is off. You may want to check in and see if the team is hitting their goals, or if there’s a problem that needs to be solved.

How Does a Performance Indicator Relate to OKRs?

OKRs are an effective way to set up projects and track their progress. OKRs are based on key performance indicators, which help your team set priorities and track their progress. OKRs also help define the different roles and responsibilities on a team.

You can think of OKRs as projects with a few added features. OKRs let you set project priorities, assign owners, track project status, and define dependencies. And, just like projects, you can use OKRs to track progress and improve workflow.

The most important difference between OKRs and other project management tools is that OKRs are designed to help teams prioritize projects, not just track project progress.

How to Set Up OKRs with Performance Indicators

OKRs and performance indicators are great when you have a team that can set goals and track their progress. But for many teams, this type of project management might feel overwhelming.

Luckily, there are a few ways to make OKRs work for your team without setting up a full-blown project management system. We’ll walk through two simple ways to kick off your OKRs.- Use a Kanboard Template –Kanboards are a great way to track progress and share work across your team. If you’ve never used one before, Kanboards are ideal for visualizing OKRs and other projects.

They’re easy to use and a great way to host projects, share files, and keep track of team members’ responsibilities. You can find our Kanboard template on GitHub.- Make OKRs a Regular Discussion Point –OKRs aren’t just for project managers. You can set up OKRs at any point in your team’s workflow. From the moment your team starts working on a new project, you can use OKRs to track progress.

Benefits of OKR-Based Performance Indicators

As you can see, OKRs and performance indicators provide a lot of benefits for teams. OKRs help teams set priorities, track progress, and improve workflow. And performance indicators help teams set goals and track their success.

OKRs can also help your team define roles and responsibilities, set expectations, and identify problems early on. In addition to all these benefits, OKRs and performance indicators also have one huge benefit: they work!

OKRs and performance indicators work because they’re based on your team’s workflow and project management system. This means that they’re already set up and ready to go. You don’t have to spend time trying to set up a new system or figure 


Operational KPIs can help your team track progress, identify problems, and set expectations. They can also help teams prioritize projects and improve workflow. OKRs and performance indicators are a great way to measure the success of your team’s projects. They can help you identify problems and set expectations.

What’s Next? 

OKRs and performance indicators are a great way to track your team’s progress. But they’re not the only way to measure success.

OKRs and performance indicators give teams a lot of information about the status of their projects. But sometimes it’s not enough. Sometimes you need more information about what’s going on with your team and projects.

Check-ins help teams share updates, ask questions, and set expectations every week or every two weeks.

Check-ins also help teams stay on top of their work by discussing things like:

How are things going? What do you need from other people? How can you help each other succeed? What have you accomplished this week? What do you intend to accomplish next week? To get the most out of OKRs and operational KPIs, you need to make sure your team is ready to use them. You also need to make sure your company is ready to handle a project management system. If you and your team are ready for a new system, OKRs are a great option. OKRs are a great way to help your team prioritize projects and set priorities. They’re also a great way to use operational KPIs to improve workflow.